
Showing posts from July, 2022

Time travel 🦾🔥🧠

TIME TRAVEL. In March 2003, the FBI arrested 44-year-old Andrew Carlssin.  Newspaper reported that this man was extraordinary lucky in the history of stock market he had earned like no other. He invested $800 and within 2 weeks, and it turned into $350 million. The FBI suspected that he was running a scam. And that he was a insider trader. When Andrew was questioned, he answered that he was an time traveller. He claimed that he was a traveller from 250 Years in the future and that he knew how the stocks would perform so he invested in them. And got the extraordinary result. The FBI was surprised at this. The FBI was convinced that he was lying and they took it upon themselves to prove that he was lying. But when FBI investigated some more, they found that before December 2002, there was no record of Carlssin. Even more surprising was that On 3rd April, Carlssin had to appear in court for bail hearing, but had disappeared, never to be found again.     WAS HE REALLY A TIME TR