Time travel 🦾🔥🧠

In March 2003, the FBI arrested 44-year-old Andrew Carlssin.
 Newspaper reported that this man was extraordinary lucky in the history of stock market he had earned like no other. He invested $800 and within 2 weeks, and it turned into $350 million. The FBI suspected that he was running a scam. And that he was a insider trader. When Andrew was questioned, he answered that he was an time traveller. He claimed that he was a traveller from 250 Years in the future and that he knew how the stocks would perform so he invested in them. And got the extraordinary result. The FBI was surprised at this. The FBI was convinced that he was lying and they took it upon themselves to prove that he was lying. But when FBI investigated some more, they found that before December 2002, there was no record of Carlssin. Even more surprising was that On 3rd April, Carlssin had to appear in court for bail hearing, but had disappeared, never to be found again.  

In today’s blog let’s understand the concept of time travelling scientifically.

                                In 1895, writer H.G. Wells wrote his groundbreaking novel known as “THE TIME MACHINE”. It was after this that the phrase ‘time machine’ became popular. “A machine that can take you into the future as well as the past with it, you can travel through time”. Although the novel was fiction, a science fiction novel but several philosophers and physicists were inspired by it. Not only were serious research papers written on time travel, but many films were also made. If we think about it, the exact way time travel takes place can be used to classify it into different types. First, let’s use sci-fi films, to understand the concepts better. Time travel can be of very different kinds. The first is the one-way travel to the future. It is one sided time travel, “Interstellar” Film is an example of this, In it, a time traveller travelled to the future, but his family members and the other people keep on ageing, when he meets them again, some had even died too. 
                                            The second way is “INSTANTANEOUS TIME JUMPING”. That means a person can jump from one point in time to another instantly using a time machine. It was shown in the film back to the future and the girl who leapt through time.
                                  The third way can be when the time traveller stands still, and it is the time that is moving around the traveller. This was shown is the film Harry Potter: Prisoners of Azkaban. When Hermione uses the time turner. 
                                               The fourth is the ‘slow time travel’ as shown in the 2004 film primer. The time traveller gets inside a box, with ever minute he spends in the box, he goes back into the time by a mistake. So if he wanted to go back a day, he had to remain in a box for a day.
                                        The fifth is travelling at the speed of light to travel through time. This was shown in Superman (1979). In it, Superman flew faster than the speed of the light, and travels back in time.

The Question is, among all these concepts of time travel, which way is actually possible today?
In Real Life which way may be possible in the future?
& Which way is completely unscientific & would never be possible?

                                              Don’t be surprised, you might think that all of these are rubbish, sci-fi, and can’t be possible. That’s not the truth, some of these are actually possible to do, even today. Broadly speaking, there can be two types of time travel. One is to travel into the future, and the other is to go back into the past. Let’s talk about travelling to the future first. The scientific explanations and theories of travelling to the future, are derived from Albert Einstein’s theory of special relativity. The concept of time dilation, was introduced by Einstein. Before Einstein, it was believed that the time is constant. Whether you’re on earth, or on Mars or near a black hole. Time was believed to be something that was constant. One of the most famous mathematicians and physicists in the world. Isaac Newton was one to say this. In his opinion, regardless of the speed with which you’re travelling through space, regardless of the position, the flow of time would be constant. Albert Einstein was the first person to refuse this. He said that Newton was wrong. Time isn’t constant. He claimed that time was like a river. Like water flows in a river, sometimes it slows down, sometimes the flow of the river speeds up, similarly, the flow of time, sometimes it slows down and sometimes it picks up the pace. Depending upon speed and gravity.
                                                          Yup, you heard it right, Einstein had said that time can actually speed up and slowed down. If the speed and gravitational force could be changed. This is known as Time Dilation. The way your Pupils (Part of an EYE) dilate, similarly time dilates too when the speed of an object increases or if an object is subjected to an increased gravitational force.
How had Einstein actually discovered this ?
About this we can talk about this in some other blog, it’s a very long explanation. It will take me some more days to understand that. So I won’t go into that explanation today. 
But basically, time dilation can be also done into two ways. The first is with speed, that means if you are sitting in an object that is goin very fast. Like an Aeroplane or spacecraft. The faster something goes, the more would time slow down for it. Relative to a person who is’nt going as fast. Theoretically speaking, if we could build a rocket, that travels at the speed of light, and you get into that rocket. You remain in the rocket for 10 years travelling at that speed. And then you return to Earth, the time that you see on earth, would be 9000 years later. Simply speaking, if u travel into the future, you can already do it now, It is scientifically possible to do so today. The only problem is that there isn’t an aircraft that travels at this speed. You can get into the speed of light. But with improvements in technology, we can built more such aircraft and spaceships that can fly faster. It would slowly become possible. For now, Gennedy Padalka, a Russian astronaut, is credited with the most time travel into the future. It’s because he remained in space the longest i.e. 879 days and he was travelling at the speed of 28,000km/hr in space. Accordingly, he travelled 0.02 seconds into the future.
                                          If you’re upset because you think we can’t get the technology with which we can travel so fast that we can travel through time significantly in the future, *Don’t be upset* because there is another way of time dilation as laid down by Einstein by using gravitational force that mean the more gravity the more time dilation.
Interestingly, there is a third way of time travelling in the future named as “Cryosleep”I . It has been shown in many films too. There was a film named as Passenger, you might remember. People were travelling in a spacecraft, they were frozen, they were in cryosleep, in it, for months and years, humans are put into a condition where they don’t age, they remain asleep. It’s a sci-fi. But NASA is trying to develop a statis chamber. You can get to know about this in NASA website.

So, about travelling in past, there would be many logical problems when travelling to the past. There would be paradoxes, due to these, it may never be possible. But travelling into the future, it is possible even today. And it will become more and more probable in the future. And to get a glimpse of the past, is currently possible too. So in a sense, time travel, already exists. And as shown in films like “INTERSTELLAR”, It was the scientific truth to an extent. But what about Andrew Carlssin’s story. I don’t say much about it. The story that I told you at the beginning of the blog, was actually a story published in a satirical newspaper, called “The Weekly World News”. Later it was printed by Yahoo News, and several other media organisation reported the story, as if it were fact. But the truth remains, that story was a satire. It was a fake news that was circulated in newspaper, and people believed that it was true. It was a fabricated story basically. I hope you found this blog informative 

Thank you.
By Ishan Kaushik 
